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Հտ․ 4 Հմր․ 76 (2021): «Ագրոգիտություն և տեխնոլոգիա» պարբերական
Հտ․ 4 Հմր․ 76 (2021): «Ագրոգիտություն և տեխնոլոգիա» պարբերական
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Ագրարային ճարտարագիտություն
Studying the Reclamation State of the Irrigated Meadow Brown Lands in Araksavan Community of Ararat Region
A.Sh. Eloyan, M.H. Barseghyan, S.H. Daveyan, T.A. Jhangiryan
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Efficiency of Drip Irrigation in Intensive Orchards
S.A. Miroyan
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Software Package for Determining the Capillary Adsorption Potential in Irrigated Lands
R.A. Danielyan
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Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Study and Development Trend of the Cigarette Market in the Republic of Armenia
A.H. Parsyan,S.H. Parsyan
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The Dynamics of Winter Wheat Production and Analysis of the Main Affecting Factors in the Regions of the RA in 1991-2020
V.S. Aleksanyan, G.H. Keshishyan,S.N. Shirokov, I.R. Trushkina
PDF (English)
Agronomy and Agroecology
Study of Eco-Touristic Services and Forest Rehabilitation Activities in the Context of Pandemic Covid-19 and Other Affecting Factors by the Example of Hrazdan Forest Farm
E.A. Zakaryan, M.H. Galstyan, K.Sh. Sargsyan, E.F. Gevorgyan
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The Effect of Different Pruning Types on the Growth and Yield Capacity of Plum Varieties Fortune and Vengerka Domestica in Conditions of Armavir Community in Armavir Region
E.R. Stepanyan, A.L. Yepremyan, S.S. Simonyan
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Hymenopteran Parasitoids of Leaf Miners (Diptera: Agomyzidae)
N.M. Grigoryan,V.S. Hovhannisyan, A.S. Gasparyan
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Calculation of the Optimal Doses of the Ameliorant Neutralizing Heavy Metals in Anthropogenically Polluted Soils
S.J. Tamoyan
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The Study of Biological and Economic Characteristics of Some Imported Walnut Tree Varieties in Conditions of Piedmont Zone in Armenia
G.S. Santrosyan, G.S. Gabrielyan, A.K. Muradyan, L.V. Hovhannisyan
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Synthesis of Potentially Bioactive Hydrazones of Pyrimidine and 1,3,5-Triazine
T.A. Gomktsyan, R.S. Shainova, M.V. Dovlatyan, A.P. Yengoyan*
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Study of the Species Composition of Harmful Organisms in Akunk Educational Research Farm
A.A. Manvelyan, M.H. Ghazaryan
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Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques
Salmonella Carrier State in Ostriches and Epizootological Situation in Ararat Region
M.A. Sargsyan, H.S. Balasanyan, G.R. Tovmasyan
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Study of the Content of Somatic Cells in Cow’s Milk in Armenia
E.B. Balayan, A.E. Araksyants
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Mastitis Incidence in First-Calf Heifers on the Small Farms of the Republic of Armenia
Zh.S. Melkonyan, V.V. Khotsanyan, K.A. Sukiasyan, E.A. Nikoghosyan
PDF (English)
Genetic Characteristics of Multiparous Goats according to the Loci of Some Polymorphous Proteins in Blood and Milk
M.V. Badalyan, Yu.G. Marmaryan, D.S. Navasardyan,S.A. Kharatyan
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Food Science and Technology
Developing and Implementing Technology of Rosé Wine Production from the Grape Variety “Charentsi”
A.H. Gabrielyan, N.R. Simonyan,A.S. Gasparyan
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Food Powder Manufacture from Grape Pomace and its Application as an Improver in the Macaroni Production
N.V. Yavruyan, N.A. Avetisyan
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Production of Functional Cookies and Quality Research
A.V. Ghazaryan, S.I. Sagradyan
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The Effect of Liquid Smoke on the Quality of Uncooked Smoked Sausages
A.L. Dashtoyan, E.B. Balayan,S.A. Mirzabekyan
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Risk Assessment of Toxic Elements in Fruits and Vegetables Grown in Ararat Region, Armenia
D.A. Pipoyan, M.R. Beglaryan, G.H. Tepanosyan, L.V. Sahakyan
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