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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The articles are accepted in English language.
  • The size of the article shouldn’t exceed 10 PC pages (including summaries).
  • The number of authors should not exceed four
  • The article is submitted electronically in PDF and WORD format, as
    well as printed in 1 copy with the following structure:

    • Full name, work place and e-mail of the author (s)

    • 5 keywords

    • “Introduction”

    • “Materials and Methods”

    • “Results and Discussions”

    • “Conclusion”

    • References
  • References to the literature should be indicated in the text (the author and the date of publication in the parentheses - e.g. (Arakelyan, 2018))
  • Articles should have abstracts.
  • The volume of the abstracts should not exceed 600 characters.
  • Technical requirements for articles:

    • Font: Times New Roman

    • Font size: 12

    • Interstitial spacing: 1.5

    • Title: with capital letters

    • Charts: with Word, Excel

    • Tables: vertical (Portrait)

    • Formulas: in Microsoft Equation 3.0 format

Agricultural Engineering

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