AgriScience and Technology
Armenian National Agrarian Universityen-USAgriScience and Technology2579-2822<p><strong><em>Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)</em></strong>. <strong>CC BY-NC</strong> allows users to copy and distribute the article, provided this is not done for commercial purposes. The users may adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the material giving appropriate credit, providing a link to the license. The full details of the license are available at <a href=""></a>.</p>Accounting Problems of Financial Results in Agricultural Sector
<p>Managerial accounting in the food processing organizations currently provides information only on the basis of factual expenditure flows, which does not fully control the cost price formation. Therefore, there is a need to improve the monitoring functions in managerial accounting by establishing accounting of cost flows according to responsibility centers, values of estimates and their deviations. Such reports will promote suitable and timely managerial decision-making and increase the effectiveness of internal control in food processing companies.</p>Ա.Է. Մեժլումյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266The State and Development Trends of Viticulture in Vayots Dzor Marz of RA
<p>The article is devoted to the identification of the<br>development trends for viticulture in Vayots Dzor marz. Studies indicate that during the period of 2012-2017, the area of vineyards increased in 1.8 times, and this growth shows a stable dynamic tendency. According to our estimations, this is a high indicator, which can serve as an important prerequisite for the further development of viticulture. Vayots Dzor marz has a sound potential in viticulture that remains still unused.</p>Հ.Ս. Թամոյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266State Participation in the Process of the Natural Monopoly Settlement
<p>The article discusses the role of the state in regulating the activity of natural monopolies. Based on the peculiarities of the energy sector, we have analyzed market mechanisms for determining regulatory expenditures in this sphere. It is suggested to apply such incentive regulation tools in the Republic of Armenia that will enable to stimulate a natural monopoly entity to invest and at the same time to ensure stability in terms of effects on tariffs.</p>Մ.Է. Սողոմոնյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266E-Governance Development Level in Armenia
<p>In the modern market economy information technologies are of paramount importance in all activity areas due to their substantiated effectiveness. Nowadays IT plays an important role in the state system forming new electronic management versions. Currently the process of introducing e-governance in Armenia can be considered as already launched, but it is still necessary to take appropriate measures to ensure its high efficiency and solve problems in this area.</p>Ա.Ա. Մինասյան, Ա.Գ. Ալեքսանյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266Vine and Wine-Making Product Market and Its Economic Relevance in the Republic of Armeni
<p>The analyses of Vine and Wine-Making product market and its economic relevance indicate that within 2014 and 2017 the sizes of product consumption in internal market of the Republic of Armenia are almost constant, while its exportation rate is increasing. In the current state of world wine-making techniques. Armenia has a great opportunity to take a specific position in the world wine market under the guidance of targeted state policy.</p>Է.Ս. Ղազարյան, Հ.Ս. Թամոյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266Statistical Characteristics of GDP and Unemployment Rate in the Marzes of the Republic of Armenia
<p>In this research the specifics of the GDP distribution and the unemployment rate, as well as the intensity of changes in the ranks and their interrelationships for 2015-2016 have been analyzed. It should be noted that for the first time in 2017 the NSS of the RA (currently the SC of the RA) calculated the GDP for regions (i.e. the gross regional product). According to the results of the analyses the GDP per capita has been characterized by obvious polarity. Taking into account the correlation between the GDP per capita and unemployment rate the correlation between the ranks of these indicators has been studied.</p>Vardanyan G.V.Qeshishyan G.H.
Copyright (c) 2019 G.V. Vardanyan, G.H. Qeshishyan admin
2025-01-102025-01-10266Analysis of Absolute Indicators for Assessing the Financial Sustainability in the Companies of Alcoholic Beverage Production
<p>The article considers the practical application of the method of calculating absolute indicators for assessing the financial sustainability of a production company based on the data of “Proshyan Brandy Factory” LLC and “Vedi-Alco” CJSC. Based on the analysis, the provision rate with resources and cost formation sources have been estimated.</p>Կ.Հ. Ավետիսյան, Ա.Ս. Տոնիկյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266Purchase Model of Agricultural Products (Value Chain) in the Republic of Armenia
<p>Formation and development of organizational infrastructure is considered as a way of increasing the sales performance of agricultural products in Armenia. The scheme of organizing purchase of goods has been studied. It is proposed to introduce well-defined and regulated models for the purchase and sale of agricultural products in Armenia. Thus, formation of a system of agricultural wholesale markets and provision of their legislative base are considered, where the interests of farms and consumers are taken into account. “Yerevan wholesale market” program can be implemented in 2020-2022, with а wholesale market and about 7-8 receiving points. Return on investment can be expected in 12-15 years.</p>Ա.Ե. Ոսկանյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266Milk Productivity in the Cows of Fleckvieh (Simmental) Breed According to Acclimatization Capacity and Generation Change
<p>The studies have been conducted based on the data of lactation terminated in 2017 in the cows of second generation of Fleckvieh breed (Simmental) raised on the farm of “Arzni Poultry, Cattle and Pig-Breeding Company” (OJSC).<br>Nutritional value of the forage diet for the cows with 20 kg daily milk productivity has made 15.6 food unit, 18.6 MJ food energy unit, 186.0 exchangeable energy and 1560 g digestible protein, while the same indicators in the cows with 17 kg and 15 kg daily milk productivity are lower.<br>The data on the live weight and milk productivity of the 2nd generation cows testify about perfect acclimatization process during the generation change of the mentioned<br>breed; thus, the breeding of these cows in the current farm<br>conditions is economically efficient.</p>Գ.Հ. Գիլոյան, Ն.Ա. Կասումյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-222023-08-22266Classification of the Regions and Individual Provinces in RA According to Propagation Rate and Susceptibility to the Cattle Infection of Brucellosis
<p>As a result of our studies the vulnerability rate of the regions and individual provinces of the Republic of Armenia towards the cattle disease of brucellosis has been identified, which is related to the methods of livestock breeding and to some other circumstances. According to the data of 2010-2014, the cattle disease of brucellosis is widely spread in the following regions: Aragatsotn, Armavir and Kotayk regions; it has greater prevalence in Syunik, Gegharkunik and Shirak regions, moderate prevalence in the region of Vayots Dzor, while it is rare in Tavush region.</p>Г.А. Манукян
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Age-Related Characteristics of Milk Productivity in the Second Generation Bred from the Daughters of Imported Purebred Holstein Heifers
<p>In order to improve cattle breeding in Armenia, it is proposed to use animals of second generation bred from the daughters of purebred Holstein heifers imported from Europe. The studies were conducted in 2017-2018 on the “Arzni Poultry, Cattle and Pig-Breeding” farm, OJSC under grazing and stall housing conditions. It was found out that the 2nd generation cows born from purebred heifers᾿ daughters imported from Germany, at the stage of the 3rd lactation have exceeded the requirements of the breed standard for 305 days᾿ milk amount by 1112 kg or by 22.2 % which evidences on sufficient acclimatization capacity, as well as on targeted breeding of the selected young replacement stock through innovative technologies.</p>Գ.Հ. Գիլոյան, Ա.Հ. Գրիգորյան, Ն.Ա. Կասումյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Resource Improvement in the Disc Brake Mechanism
<p>The article is devoted to the study of resource indicators of parts and mechanisms in the disk brake system, as well as to the identification of regulations for resource distribution of the piston in brake mechanism and guiding caliper fingers. Based on the study of exploitation conditions and the characteristics of failures and malfunctions, technological operations have been proposed to increase the resource indicators in the parts of disk brake mechanism for the minibus of Gazelle series.</p>Հ.Վ. Վարդանյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-022023-08-02266Determination of Some Parameters in the Single-Row Potato Digger Applied in the Mountain Slopes
<p>The article discusses the main reasons limiting the use of single-row potato diggers in the slopes with steepness higher than 20 -30. In order to provide efficiency of these machines in the slopes with higher steepness, it is recommended to make such constructive changes which would ensure their efficient operation, so that during the work of the units, regardless of the degree of slope steepness, the blade of the ploughshare remained parallel to horizontal plane. Computing formulae for determining the main structural and technological parameters of the reconstructed machine have been derived.</p>Ս.Խ. Պապյան, Լ.Գ. Անտոնյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-022023-08-02266The Dependence of Angular Speed of Rotor Clod Crusher in Potato Digger on the Soil Clod Amount
<p>Laboratory researches have been conducted on active rotor clod crusher of potato digger as a result of which the optimal experimental parameters of clod crusher were specified, particularly those of the angular speed which should be higher than 1 ω 8 s − = 8 s-1 and its parallel speedhigher than V= 1,2 m/s.<br>The weight of clods higher than 15 mm per 1 m2 soil area was chosen as an indicator for the evaluation of the efficiency of the recommended clod crusher.<br>The results of laboratory researches have shown that the increase of parallel speed in the clod crusher has positively influenced the clod crushing process.</p>Հ.Հ. Հայրապետյան
Copyright (c) 2023 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-012023-08-01266Theory and Calculation of Geometric and Kinematic Parameters of the Rotor Clod Crusher Drive in the Potato-Digger
<p>The mathematical link between the drive mechanism of the clod crusher in the potato-digger and the resistance area in the grouser bars has been established.</p> <p>It is recommended to install 10 or 11 grouser bars on the drive drum with inter-bar angles of 330-360 respectively so that the total resistance area of the simultaneously anchored grouser bars in the soil would make 0.03 m2 -0.06 m2.</p>Ա.Պ. Թարվերդյան, Ս.Խ. Պապյան, Ա.Մ. Եսոյան, Հ.Հ. Հայրապետյան
Copyright (c) 2023 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-012023-08-01266Research on the Spoon-Chain Device Operation in a Single-Axle Potato Planter
<p>In the contemporary potato planters spoon-chain sowing devices are used, the main parts of which are the belt and stars; throughout operation they damage potato tubers, particularly the vernalized ones.<br>We recommend a spoon-chain sowing device without almost any flaws. Studies have enabled to identify the position of the conveying pipes of the seed sowing device, providing tuber’s transportation to the bottom of the furrow.</p>Դ.Պ. Պետրոսյան, Ս.Վ. Հովհաննիսյան
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2023-08-022023-08-02266Regulation of Soil Erosion in Case of Surface Irrigation
<p>Erosion processes are intensively developing in the territory of Armenia. To reduce the intensity of this phenomenon horizontal terraces are built, where agricultural crops can be grown. In order to reduce erosion caused by surface irrigation, specification of the parameters in the irrigation technique is required. To this end, it is necessary to reduce the length of the water run with the help of shortened furrows.<br>The latter make it possible to regulate the water runoff amount resulted from atmospheric precipitations and to accumulate the needed moisture amount in the soil.</p>Ռ.Վ. Ղազինյան
Copyright (c) 2023 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-012023-08-01266The Nature оf Working Surface Wear in the Moldboard
<p>The calculation theory for establishing the regularities of the changes in the friction and wear values during the interaction of the working surfaces of plows and furrow slices of different soil types has been developed. The mathematical model of the relative slice movement trajectory along the surface of the recommended trenching plough with semi-digger plough body and obligatory provision of furrow slice slip has been designed. This enables to determine the upper limit of the external friction angle in the soil and the vertical coordinates, where friction and wear reach the maximum point. The exact limits of the optimal values in geometric parameters of the working surface have been established.</p>А.П. Тарвердян
Copyright (c) 2023 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-012023-08-01266Pre-Treatment of Pumpkin in Compote Production
<p>A technology of producing compote from pumpkin by using Berqanush and Big Max varieties was developed. Pieces of pumpkin were treated with infusion of pomegranate peels, citric acid solution and were crystallized in sugar syrup. The ratio of raw material and the filling, type and quantity of aromatic compounds in the filling and the content of dry substances were also determined. Jars were sterilized at 1000 C for 20 minutes.<br>The obtained results showed that the pumpkin varieties with strong pulp are the most suitable for compote production. The best results were obtained after their processing with citric acid solution and sugar syrup.</p>Ռ.Ս. Հայրապետյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Development of Bread Production Technology Through the Lentil Flour Application
<p>The research material is related to the lentil flour as a functional component and finished product. The main objective of the research is to develop technology for bakery products of functional significance using lentil flour, which will increase the nutritional value of the finished product and reduce the risk of a number of diseases. The use of lentil flour enables to improve the organoleptic indices in the quality of finished bread: aroma and color become more expressive, porosity increases by 10.0%, the specific volume – by 10.8%.</p>Ն.Գ. Հովհաննիսյան, Ա.Ի. Նազարյան, Ա.Ս. Ալոյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Improving the Production Technology of Smoked Chicken Meat
<p>Smoked products are among the most widely used meat products due to their taste, food and energy properties. In Armenia smoked meat is produced mainly from pork, chicken and rarely from veal. The aim of our research is to use pieces of chicken carcasses that have lost their market quality during processing and are no longer suitable for sale.<br>The use of turmeric and white wine in the ripening process of chicken pieces leads to the taste improvement and reduction in the ripening process, which in its turn decreases energy consumption and thus the prime cost of the product.</p>Ա.Լ. Դաշտոյան, Է.Լ. Սահակյան, Ք.Հ. Ղարիբյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Risk Assessment of Copper Content in Fruit and Vegetable Sold in Markets of Alaverdi City
<p>The aim of the research is to assess risk of copper content in vegetables and fruits consumed by population of Alaverdi city. Cu content was determined in investigated fruits and vegetables, dietary assessment was carried out and daily intake of Cu (EDI) was estimated. Target hazard quotient (THQ) and hazard index (HI) were calculated as well. The results of the study have shown that the simultaneous consumption of the investigated fruits and vegetables can cause potential health risks to population, s health.</p>Լ.Ա. Սիրեյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Testing of Sublethal Doses of Bacterial and Chemical Preparations Against the Caterpillars of the BrownTail Moth in the Apple Orchards
<p>Plot and production experiments have shown that high biological efficiency is provided when using tank mixtures of water suspensions of bacterial (lepidocid, BTB) and chemical (belts, ephoria) preparations against younger (IIIII) caterpillars of brown- tail moth in the apple orchards at Carbi community with the concentrations lower than the lethal doses in 1/4 times. As for caterpillars of medium (IV-V) and older (VI-VII) ages, high biological efficiency is observed when using chemical preparations in sublethal doses (1/4 of the lethal one) with bacterial preparations in lethal doses.</p>Հ.Լ. Թերլեմեզյան, Մ.Ա. Սարգսյան, Ա.Մ. Սարգսյան, Ա.Խ. Հակոբյան
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-032023-08-03266Genetic Aspects of Photosynthesis of Aromatic Tobacco Varieties and Optimization Ways of Selection: Rate of Photosynthesis
<p>In the first article of the presented series results of diallel analysis of seven tobacco varieties of “Samsun” species have been introduced which have proved that the genetic factor in the rate of photosynthesis is largely influenced by the effect of additive genes, which have demonstrated recessive character against the variety with high indices.<br>Related to the existence of positive, high genetic correlation between the mentioned property and size and quantity of leaves, the abovementioned features have been observed as a means of identification of perspective genotypes endowed with high index of photosynthesis rate in the older hybrid generations. The research outcomes have indicated<br>the specific ways for optimal selection of aromatic tobacco varieties.</p>В.А. Маркарян
Copyright (c) 2019 “AgriScience and Technology”
2023-08-042023-08-04266Distant Hybridization and Polyploidy in the Currant and Gooseberry Selection
<p>The aim of the current research is to obtain domestic intergeneric hybrids, to assess their morphological, anatomical, biological and economic characteristics and to identify their perspective forms for further use based on the Belarusian varieties of black currant and gooseberry.<br>Intergeneric reciprocal crossbreeding of black currant with gooseberry was aimed at the production of thornless and semi-thornless gooseberry with a high content of vitamins and large-fruited currant resistant to gall mite. To overcome the sterility of amphihaploids, they were transferred to tetraploid level by colchicination.<br>Hybrids of R. nigrum x Gr. reclinata with different genomic composition have been bred.</p>И.Э. Бученков, И.В. Рышкель
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