The Dynamics of Winter Wheat Production and Analysis of the Main Affecting Factors in the Regions of the RA in 1991-2020
gross yield, sown area, yield per hectare, main development tendency, statistical index analysisAbstract
The main goal of the current research is to study development tendencies of
winter wheat production in the period of 1991-2020 and to examine the effect of
the changes in cropland areas and yield capacity per hectare on the gross yield
of winter wheat in separate periods. In 1991-2005, the gross yield demonstrated
extensive (quantitative) growth, and in 2006-2016, it was characterized by
intensive (qualitative) growth. In 2017-2020, the yield capacity per hectare
decreased almost in all marzes of the RA. As a result, the gross yield of winter
wheat annually decreased by 13.54 thousand tons in the mentioned subperiod.
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