Characteristics аnd Efficiency оf тhe New Local Variety оf Orchard Grass


  • Ռ.Ա. Սահակյան, Մ.Ս. Միրզոյան, Գ.Ա. Թովմասյան


ընտրասերում, ելանյութ, սորտ, կայունություն, հատկանիշներ


As a result of the selection of perennial cereals at the department of Feed Production Technology of the Food Safety Risk Analysis and Assessment Research Center a new local variety (Spitak local) of the orchard grass/ cocksfoot has been bred, which serves for the improvement of degraded grasslands and pastures, as well as vegetation cover in the erosion-hazardous sloping land areas. According to the average data of the two-year cultivation the yield capacity of green mass in this new variety has made averagely 355 c/ha, that of the air-dry mass- 83.4 c/ha and the seed yield -6.15 c/ha. During the competitive variety trials the new variety surpassed the control one by 78.0 c/ha in green mass yield capacity; regarding that of the dry hay - by 18.8 c/ha and by 0.94 c/ha in seed yielding capacity.



How to Cite

Ռ.Ա. Սահակյան, Մ.Ս. Միրզոյան, Գ.Ա. Թովմասյան. (2023). Characteristics аnd Efficiency оf тhe New Local Variety оf Orchard Grass . AgriScience and Technology, 1(69). Retrieved from