Assessment of Agrobiological Characteristics of Some Marrow Squash Zucchini Varieties in Conditions of Martuni Region of Artsakh Republic


  • M.O. Harutyunyan, T.B. Aloyan


marrow squash, variety, yield, vegetation period, economic efficiency


The implemented research was aimed to evaluate the biological and economic indicators of the studied varieties of zucchini, to introduce the most valuable and high-yielding variety into production.
Expert studies were conducted in 2021-2022 in the Taghavard community of the Martuni region of the Republic of Artsakh, located at an altitude of 600m above sea level. Anna (control), Adana and Zartonk zucchini varieties were studied. Each cultivar was planted in a 50 m2 plot with four replications. In each plot, 123 plants were planted in two rows of 10 m length, with 90+70 cm inter-row and 45 cm inter-plant distance. During the vegetation period, feeding with the norm of N 45 was done twice. Breeding varieties were evaluated according to growth and development stages, duration of vegetation, resistance to diseases and pests, and yield indicators. According to research, the Adana and Zartonk have a relatively long vegetation period (72 and 73 days), and the Adana (510 cent/ha) stands out in terms of crop structural elements and yield indicators. Adana and Zartonk
are relatively resistant to diseases, and the difference in pest infestation is insignificant.
Adana surpassed both Anna and Zartonk in terms of fruit percentage. It exceeded the high-yield control by 135 cent/ha, at the same time, with high economic efficiency, it provided 135 cent/ha crop addition and AMD 420.000 additional profit per hectare. It is recommended to cultivate the Adana zucchini variety in the sub-mountainous zone of the Artsakh Republic.



How to Cite

M.O. Harutyunyan, T.B. Aloyan. (2023). Assessment of Agrobiological Characteristics of Some Marrow Squash Zucchini Varieties in Conditions of Martuni Region of Artsakh Republic. AgriScience and Technology, 1(81). Retrieved from