Development of the First Component for The New “Yogric” Product


  • E.B. Balayan, A.E. Araksyants


milk, lactose-free yogurt,, lactase, cultures, post-acidification


Parallel to the increase of dairy products consumption, the demand for lactosefree product ranges also grows up. The latter possess all the health benefits peculiar to milk and prevent digestive problems. Our research aims to obtain the first component of lactose-free bicomponent product Yogric, which is the mixture of yogurt and ricotta. For this purpose, we have identified the necessary
starter culture, which should be used to get yogurt with the necessary properties. The dose of Ha-Lactase 5200 has been determined, which would reduce the lactose content in yogurt to less than 0.1 %, so that to consider it as a lactosefree product.




How to Cite

E.B. Balayan, A.E. Araksyants. (2023). Development of the First Component for The New “Yogric” Product. AgriScience and Technology, 2(78). Retrieved from