The Comparative Description of Economic and Biological Indices of the New Garlic Varieties
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garlic, variety, clonal selection, economic and biological description, state variety trialԱմփոփում
The garlic varieties “Javakhk” and “Parvana-3” have been bred through the method of clonal selection upon the development of variety populations imported from Javakhk. Their yield capacity has made 114.0 c/ha and 120.0 c/ha, exceeding the control variety “Dzyunik” by 23.9 % and 30.4 % respectively. The produced varieties surpass the control variant also in the bulb preservability, biochemical indices and disease resistance rate, which serves as a background for submitting them to the state variety trial.
It is recommended to cultivate the new varieties in the Ararat valley and its submountain areas for getting marketable yield, while it is relevant to grow them in mountainous areas for getting seed grains.
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