Use of PGF Veyx Forte and Aysidivit for the Treatment of Cows with Persistent Corpus Luteum


  • Ж.С. Мелконян, В.В. Хоцанян, К.А. Сукиасян, А.В. Сиреканян


персистенция, PGF Veyx Forte, Айсидивит, простагландин, бесплодие


The article deals with the study on the prevalence of Persistent Corpus Luteum (CL persistent) found in the cow ovaries to identify the percentage ratio of the total stock number of the animals under clinical examination and that of the sick ones in the two farms of the Kotayk region in Armenia. According to the research results the number of the sick animals in one of the farms has made 11.6 % and in the other one – 7.3 %. The treatment has been organized through the simultaneous application of the two medications PGF Veyx Forte and Aysidivit. Due to the treatment all sick cows have recovered.



How to Cite

Ж.С. Мелконян, В.В. Хоцанян, К.А. Сукиасян, А.В. Сиреканян. (2023). Use of PGF Veyx Forte and Aysidivit for the Treatment of Cows with Persistent Corpus Luteum. AgriScience and Technology, 1(69). Retrieved from



Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques