Ophthalmohelminthiasis in the Water Basins of Armenia


  • V.V. Grigoryan, A.R. Hakobyan, O.V. Shcherbakov, L.H. Grigoryan


ophthalmohelminthiasis, fish, diplopstomiasis, water diversion tunnel, metacercariae


Ophthalmohelminthiasis are rather widespread in the natural and artificial water basins of Armenia. Totally 126 fish of 7 species have been researched. Fish was taken from the pond farms of the Ararat, Armavir, Kotayk and Aragatsotn regions, as well as from the rivers and ponds of the Ararat valley, the river Hrazdan and Lake Sevan. During the investigations 4 species of pathogens have been detected: Diplostomum spathaceum, D. rutili, D. mergi, and Tylodelphys clavata. The metacercariae of the pathogen of Diplostomum spathaceum have been detected in the fish of relatively well-maintained basins, while those of D. rutili have been detected in the fish of waterbasins contaminated with sewage waters.




How to Cite

V.V. Grigoryan, A.R. Hakobyan, O.V. Shcherbakov, L.H. Grigoryan. (2023). Ophthalmohelminthiasis in the Water Basins of Armenia. AgriScience and Technology, 4(80). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/89



Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques