Research of Colibacteriosis in Honey Bees at Aragatsotn Region and Susceptibility of the Detected Pathogen to Antibiotics


  • J.T. Simonyan, L.L. Simonyan, N.A. Shahazizyan, H.Y. Voskanyan


antibiotic, bee, enterobacteria, microbiology, susceptibility


The research was carried out in the Ashtarak and Avan communities of the Aragatsotn
region of the Republic of Armenia. During the research enterobacteria were found in
the samples brought from the Ashtarak community. Salmonella, Escherichia coli,
or Proteus diseases were suspected. API 20 E microbial identification test-system
was used for identification. As a result of research carried out in 2022, using the
above method, Escherichia coli was confirmed in bees in the Ashtarak community
of the Aragatsotn region. The susceptibility of the pathogen to antibiotics was also
checked and it was found out that the most effective antibiotics are Gentamicyn,
Levofloxacin, Streptomycin, and Amoxicillin.




How to Cite

J.T. Simonyan, L.L. Simonyan, N.A. Shahazizyan, H.Y. Voskanyan. (2023). Research of Colibacteriosis in Honey Bees at Aragatsotn Region and Susceptibility of the Detected Pathogen to Antibiotics. AgriScience and Technology, 2(82). Retrieved from



Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques