The Efficiency of Mineral and Water-Soluble Complex Fertilizers in Potato Fields


  • G.H. Gasparyan, L.S. Yeritsyan, S.A. Ayvazyan, A.J. Sahakyan


complex water-soluble fertilizers, foliar feeding, growth, main mineral fertilizers, potato, tuber quality, yield capacity


Application of fertilizers is among the prior agriculture measures to achieve
sustainable potato yield in conditions of leached soils of Lori region, poor in
essential plant nutrients. The field experiments established that to obtain maximum
potato yield in addition to the introduction of the main mineral fertilizer (NPK)
it is necessary to apply complex water-soluble fertilizer (CWF) via foliar feeding
thrice during the vegetation period with 10-12 days of interval. In this case the
yield amount was 286 c/ha, 40.0 % of which was large and 35.0 % were medium
size. The tuber’s chemical composition was also improved. In the case of using
N120P120K120 the yield amount was 261.0 c/ha, out of which 30.2 % were large
and 40.5 % were medium size, while in the control variant 207.5 c/ha yield was
received, out of which only 15.1 % were large and 35.9 % – medium in size.




How to Cite

G.H. Gasparyan, L.S. Yeritsyan, S.A. Ayvazyan, A.J. Sahakyan. (2023). The Efficiency of Mineral and Water-Soluble Complex Fertilizers in Potato Fields. AgriScience and Technology, 2(82). Retrieved from