Development of a Technology for the Production of a New Turkey Meat Product Using Buckwheat Flour


  • E.L. Sahakyan, H.N. Matosyan, E.B. Balayan


meat loaf, turkey meat, buckwheat flour, organic food, nutrients, minced meat


Getting the necessary nutrients during the food intake is of vital importance for children’s growth and development. This is particularly true for the schoolchildren whose food ration hardly contains any food product with high biological value when eating during the breaks. Thus, we recommend a new range of organic meat product with high biological value and without any preservative agents.




How to Cite

E.L. Sahakyan, H.N. Matosyan, E.B. Balayan. (2023). Development of a Technology for the Production of a New Turkey Meat Product Using Buckwheat Flour. AgriScience and Technology, 1(77). Retrieved from