Efficiency of New Cultivation Technology for Winter Wheat in the Reclaimed Solonetz-Solonchaks of the Ararat Valley


  • Գ.Հ. Գասպարյան, Ա.Օ. Մարկոսյան, Ս.Կ. Երիցյան


մելիորացված, աղուտ-ալկալի հող, աշնանացան ցորեն, սորտ, լայնաշար ցանք, պարարտացում, բերքատվություն,, արդյունավետություն


Promoting the increase of the winter wheat yield capacity is one of the paramount objectives of the agro-industrial complex in Armenia. In conditions of restrictive land resources it is possible to solve the existing problem through the introduction of new high yielding varieties, as well as through the application of efficient fertilization and sowing methods in the cultivation technologies. Upon the investigations it has been found out that in case of applying the tested technology in the reclaimed solonetzsolonchaks of the Ararat valley the winter wheat variety “Trio” provides 10 c/ha higher yield against that of provided
by the variety of “Nairi 68”.



How to Cite

Գ.Հ. Գասպարյան, Ա.Օ. Մարկոսյան, Ս.Կ. Երիցյան. (2023). Efficiency of New Cultivation Technology for Winter Wheat in the Reclaimed Solonetz-Solonchaks of the Ararat Valley. AgriScience and Technology, 1(69). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/215