Classification of the Regions and Individual Provinces in RA According to Propagation Rate and Susceptibility to the Cattle Infection of Brucellosis


  • Г.А. Манукян


бруцеллез, эпизоотическая ситуация, классификация, распространение, заболеваемость


As a result of our studies the vulnerability rate of the regions and individual provinces of the Republic of Armenia towards the cattle disease of brucellosis has been identified, which is related to the methods of livestock breeding and to some other circumstances. According to the data of 2010-2014, the cattle disease of brucellosis is widely spread in the following regions: Aragatsotn, Armavir and Kotayk regions; it has greater prevalence in Syunik, Gegharkunik and Shirak regions, moderate prevalence in the region of Vayots Dzor, while it is rare in Tavush region.



How to Cite

, Г. М. (2023). Classification of the Regions and Individual Provinces in RA According to Propagation Rate and Susceptibility to the Cattle Infection of Brucellosis. AgriScience and Technology, 2(66). Retrieved from



Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques