Milk Productivity of Holstein Cows Imported from Germany Under the “Smart” Farming Conditions of the “Pepi Agro” Farm at the Armavir Marz of the Republic of Armenia


  • L.M. Minasyan, T.Zh. Chitchyan, Zh.T. Chitchyan


fat and protein content of milk, Holstein breed, lactation, live weight,, milk yield


The study was conducted on Holstein cows, which were imported from Germany and kept in the “smart” barnyard of the “Pepi Agro” farm at the Armavir Marz of the Republic of Armenia. According to the results, during the first lactation, 5827 kg of milk was yielded, fat and protein contents in milk were 3.82 and 3.27 %, live weight was 535 kg, and milk yield was 10.9 with the average milk flow rate of 2.37 kg/min. According to the 1990 appraisal, these cows exceeded the standards of the Holstein breed in terms of milk yield, fat, and protein content, as well as live weight. However, their milk yield was lower than the mothers bred in Germany by 2933 kg or 50 %. We propose to continue the importation of Holstein cows and their further breeding in “smart” farming conditions in the Republic of Armenia.



How to Cite

L.M. Minasyan, T.Zh. Chitchyan, Zh.T. Chitchyan. (2024). Milk Productivity of Holstein Cows Imported from Germany Under the “Smart” Farming Conditions of the “Pepi Agro” Farm at the Armavir Marz of the Republic of Armenia. AgriScience and Technology, 3(83). Retrieved from



Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques