Possibilities of Using the Mechanisms of Circular Economy in the Agricultural Sector


  • S.S. Avetisyan


agrarian, circular, waste, sustainable development, goals


In conditions of circular economy production and consumption procedures are implemented in a closed cycle, which enables to minimize the used resources and ensure zero waste industry. The introduced mechanisms are of high economic, social and environmental significance, since unlike the traditional linear economy, the wastes are turned into production resources in case of closed-loop economy. Thus, it is more efficient to apply the mechanisms of circular economy in the agricultural sector, as they promote the increase of food security level and protection of population health.



How to Cite

S.S. Avetisyan. (2023). Possibilities of Using the Mechanisms of Circular Economy in the Agricultural Sector. AgriScience and Technology, 1(77). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/314



Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness