Efficiency of Applying Combined Fertilizers of Complexon and 20:20:20 (NPK) in the Potato Sowings


  • Ա.Ջ. Սահակյան, Կ.Ա. Ղազարյան, Ս.Կ. Երիցյան, Լ.Ս. Երիցյան


կարտոֆիլ, համակցված պարարտանյութեր, արտարմատային սնուցում, բերքատվություն, պալարի որակ, տնտեսական արդյունավետություն


According to the field experiments it is possible to provide high potato yield in case of applying complexon or 20:20:20 (NPK) at least twice through foliar nutrition after introducing the mineral fertilizers in the soil during the vegetation period.
When treating with complexon, the tuber yield surplus makes 91 c/ha – 108 c/ha and 31 c/ha – 46 c/ha respectively
as compared to the similar index of the control variant and N120P90K90. The yield surplus has been promoted by the increase of quantity and weight of large and mid-size tubers. The qualitative indices and marketable state of the tubers have also improved.
It is recommended to introduce the experimentally justified variant in the production.



How to Cite

Ա. Ս. Կ. Ղ. Ս. Ե. Լ. Ե. (2023). Efficiency of Applying Combined Fertilizers of Complexon and 20:20:20 (NPK) in the Potato Sowings. AgriScience and Technology, 3(71). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/246