The Efficiency of Sapling Production in Conditions of Outdoor Hydroponics in Ararat Valley
հիդրոպոնիկա, արևելյան կենսածառ,, ծիրանենի, դեղձենի, տնկանյութAbstract
According to the results of long-term experiences it is possible to get 8-12 saplings of oriental thuja, 20-22 apricot and 22-24 peach tree saplings (according to the standard) from 1 m2 land area in conditions of soilless cultivation due to the high density of seed sowing and seed plants nursery, as well as due to their high germination capacity (70 %-80 %), changes in the nutritional solution and its individual nutrients, and due to the sufficient survival rate of the sprouts (88 %-100 %). The production time and cost of the standard saplings also decrease by 1-3 years and in 2-3 times respectively. Thus, the bio-technology developed for the hydroponic production of the tree saplings is efficient and perspective.
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