The Efficiency of Sapling Production in Conditions of Outdoor Hydroponics in Ararat Valley


  • Ա.Հ. Հովսեփյան, Գ.Յ. Պողոսյան, Ա.Ս. Եղիազարյան, Ս.Ա. Էլոյան


հիդրոպոնիկա, արևելյան կենսածառ,, ծիրանենի, դեղձենի, տնկանյութ


According to the results of long-term experiences it is possible to get 8-12 saplings of oriental thuja, 20-22 apricot and 22-24 peach tree saplings (according to the standard) from 1 m2 land area in conditions of soilless cultivation due to the high density of seed sowing and seed plants nursery, as well as due to their high germination capacity (70 %-80 %), changes in the nutritional solution and its individual nutrients, and due to the sufficient survival rate of the sprouts (88 %-100 %). The production time and cost of the standard saplings also decrease by 1-3 years and in 2-3 times respectively. Thus, the bio-technology developed for the hydroponic production of the tree saplings is efficient and perspective.



How to Cite

Ա.Հ. Հովսեփյան, Գ.Յ. Պողոսյան, Ա.Ս. Եղիազարյան, Ս.Ա. Էլոյան. (2023). The Efficiency of Sapling Production in Conditions of Outdoor Hydroponics in Ararat Valley. AgriScience and Technology, 1(69). Retrieved from