Ways of Efficient Water Use Organization in the Irrigation Systems


  • Ռ.Վ. Ղազինյան, Գ.Ռ. Նավոյան


ջրանցքի օգտակար գործողության գործակից, ջրօգտագործում, ջրաշրջանառություն, ոռոգման արդյունավետություն, ուղղման գործակից


Investigations have been conducted in 20 land plots of the Dashtakar community in Ararat region with the aim of increasing water use efficiency in the irrigation systems. As a result, it has been found out that surface irrigation causes significant water loss.
The use of water circulation will enable to reduce water filtration losses; it will also promote efficient water use organization and water resource conservation.



How to Cite

Ռ.Վ. Ղազինյան, Գ.Ռ. Նավոյան. (2023). Ways of Efficient Water Use Organization in the Irrigation Systems. AgriScience and Technology, 3(71). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/216