Digitization Results of Land Cadastral Cartographic Materials in Gladzor Consolidated Community of Vayots Dzor Marz


  • Գ.Մ. Եղիազարյան, Ա.Ա. Ալեքսանյան


խոշորացված համայնքներ, բուսածածկի նորմալացված տարբերության գործակից, ArcGIS, քարտեզագրում, հողօգտագործման արդյունավետության բարձրացում


The researches have been conducted to disclose the problems related to the implementation of land cadastral activities in the new administrative-territorial units formed in conditions of consolidated community and to develop pathways for their possible solutions through the application of GIS and RS technologies. Digital maps for the community land utilization and land fund have been designed which can promote the sustainable community development, vulnerability decrease in agri-business sector, organization of highly profitable land user’s association, developmentof real estate market, consolidation of small land areas, elimination of land fragmentation, as well as sustainable andregular development of land relations in conditions of market economy.



How to Cite

Գ.Մ. Եղիազարյան, Ա.Ա. Ալեքսանյան. (2023). Digitization Results of Land Cadastral Cartographic Materials in Gladzor Consolidated Community of Vayots Dzor Marz. AgriScience and Technology, 1(69). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/193