The Dynamics in the Quantity of Bacterial Insecticides of Bt Species in Forest Brown Soils After Spraying


  • Ե.Ն. Չապանյան


Bt տեսակի բակտերիական միջատասպաններ, անտագոնիստական հատկություն, հողաբնակ մանրէներ, ձմեռային երկրաչափի թրթուրներ, կենսաբանական արդյունավետություն


According to the researches the insecticidal bacteria of Bt species (BtECHS-68, BtECHS-73, BtECHS-92, Bt var. kurstaki) stay active for 3-4 months after spraying during the vegetation period with decreasing tendency in the forest brown soils. The decrease in the amount of insecticides has been promoted by individual soil-dwelling (hypo gene) bacteria species. It has been proved that the eponymous insecticides of Bt type incubated in the soil and not introduced in the soil actually demonstrate slightly-distinguished biological efficiency against the small caterpillars of winter moth.



How to Cite

Ե.Ն. Չապանյան. (2023). The Dynamics in the Quantity of Bacterial Insecticides of Bt Species in Forest Brown Soils After Spraying. AgriScience and Technology, 3(67). Retrieved from