Lens-Like Lentil Cultivation in Conditions of MidMountain Zones at the Republic of Artsakh


  • Ռ.Ս. Իսրայելյան


ափսեաձև ոսպ, ցանքի նորմա, դաշտային ծլունակություն, ճյուղավորվածություն,, բերքատվություն, շահույթ


The studies have been conducted in the non-irrigated conditions of the mid-mountain zones (Askeran region) at the Artsakh /NKR/ republic. In 2017-2018 the optimal dosage for the lentil sowing was determined through the accomplished trials. According to the research data resulted from the experimental variants with 110 kg/ha, 130 kg/ha, 150 kg/ha and 170 kg/ha sowing dosage and the control variant with 110 kg/ha sowing dosage, the lens-like lentil variety “Talin 6” with its utmost 150 kg/ha sowing dosage provides 10.3 c/ha yield. Thus, the mentioned variety is recommended to invest in the production.



How to Cite

Ռ.Ս. Իսրայելյան. (2023). Lens-Like Lentil Cultivation in Conditions of MidMountain Zones at the Republic of Artsakh. AgriScience and Technology, 3(67). Retrieved from https://journal.anau.am/index.php/anau/article/view/160