Platform Development for Crop Quality Control through Image Processing Algorithms


  • Т.К. Капланян, А.М. Момджян, Р.В. Гумроян, Н.С. Шухян


обработка изображений, сельское хозяйство, программируемая логическая интегральная схема (ПЛИС), камера, VGA, HDM


The article considers image processing methods, due to the application of which it becomes possible to continuously monitor the field conditions, identify weeds and to improve the crop quality. Design and prototype of the adjustable platform are introduced, which enable to implement various image processing algorithms depending on the application field. As compared to the microprocessor systems this platform makes it possible to integrate the system in one integrated circuit, which serves as an effective solution in terms of energy consumption and the occupied space.



How to Cite

Т.К. Капланян, А.М. Момджян, Р.В. Гумроян, Н.С. Шухян. (2023). Platform Development for Crop Quality Control through Image Processing Algorithms. AgriScience and Technology, 3(67). Retrieved from