The Dependence of Angular Speed of Rotor Clod Crusher in Potato Digger on the Soil Clod Amount


  • Հ.Հ. Հայրապետյան


կարտոֆիլահան, կոշտամանրիչ, հողակոշտ, ռոտոր, պալար, հողակառչիչ


Laboratory researches have been conducted on active rotor clod crusher of potato digger as a result of which the optimal experimental parameters of clod crusher were specified, particularly those of the angular speed which should be higher than 1 ω 8 s − = 8 s-1 and its parallel speedhigher than V= 1,2 m/s.
The weight of clods higher than 15 mm per 1 m2 soil area was chosen as an indicator for the evaluation of the efficiency of the recommended clod crusher.
The results of laboratory researches have shown that the increase of parallel speed in the clod crusher has positively influenced the clod crushing process.



How to Cite

Հ.Հ. Հայրապետյան. (2023). The Dependence of Angular Speed of Rotor Clod Crusher in Potato Digger on the Soil Clod Amount. AgriScience and Technology, 2(66). Retrieved from