Studying Stimulant and Fungicidal Properties of Preparation “Argitos Agro” against Powdery Mildew in Greenhouse Conditions


  • L.H. Atсhemyan, V.S. Mirzoyan, N.K. Petrosyan, G.A. Karapetyan

Բանալի բառեր-:

plant growth stimulan, “Argitos Agro”, powdery mildew, fungicidal property, crop quality


“Argitos Agro” is a plant growth stimulant with fungicidal effect and when disinfecting cucumber seeds and applying during the growing season, it does not have a significant effect on the development of powdery mildew disease. The preparation, indeed, has a stimulating effect on the germination of cucumber seeds, the growth of seedlings and plants, accelerates flowering, increases the yield and improves its quality indicators.


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