Most Common Diseases of Onion in the Storage Period and Preventive Measures


  • G.V. Avagyan


onion, storage, gray rot, black rot, bacterial soft rot


Throughout conducted investigations eight species of phytopathogenic micro-organisms in the bulb onion were detected.
The local onion variety “Khatunarkh” is mainly infected with bacterial soft rot and rarely with gray and black rots (total infectivity -18.4 %) during the storage period, while the Russian onion variety “Karatalski” is mostly infected with black rot and more seldom with bacterial soft and gray rots (total infectivity -28.5 %). Unlike the bulbs of “Khatunarkh” local variety, those of the Russian variety “Karatalski” infected with bacterial soft rot and aspergillosis germinate prematurely during the storage time.



How to Cite

, G. A. (2023). Most Common Diseases of Onion in the Storage Period and Preventive Measures. AgriScience and Technology, 3(75). Retrieved from