Milk Productivity in the Third and More Calved Holstein and Fleckvieh Cows at the “Vamaks” LLC


  • Գ.Հ. Գիլոյան, Ա.Վ. Ազիզյան, Ն.Ա. Կասումյան


ցեղ, հատկանիշ, համալիր, բուծում, ժառանգելիություն


The research results for 2017-2018 on the Holstein andFleckvieh cows of the third and higher lactations bred at the farmstead of “Vamaks” LLC in the Syunik region are summed up in the current article. Feeding has been implemented through the feed distributing conveyor; the full mixture has been prepared with the average daily rate of 25 kg feed mixture per a headof cow, which provides milk yield with 3.9 % fat content. The overall nutritional rate of the feed ration has made 21.9 FUE or 219 MJ exchangeable energy, 22.8 kg dry matter, 203 g digestible protein. The feeding profitability for 1 kg milk production in the cows of Holstein breed has made 0.87 FUE or 8.7 MJ exchangeable energy and in the cows of Fleckvieh breed it is 0.93 FUE or 9.3 MJ. Thus, their further use in Armenia is economically efficient.



How to Cite

Գ.Հ. Գիլոյան, Ա.Վ. Ազիզյան, Ն.Ա. Կասումյան. (2023). Milk Productivity in the Third and More Calved Holstein and Fleckvieh Cows at the “Vamaks” LLC. AgriScience and Technology, 1(69). Retrieved from



Veterinary Science and Breeding Techniques